My name is Alejandro Hirmas.
I am a Postdoctoral researcher at Universiteit van Amsterdam and Tinbergen Institute. I am currently positioned at the Center for Research in Experimental Economics and Political Decision Making (CREED). Currently, I am working in the research group led by Shaul Shalvi.
I finished my Research Master at Tinbergen Institute and I am soon to defend my PhD at Universiteit van Amsterdam. My Phd supervisors are Jan Engelmann and Jan Hausfeld
I am a behavioral economist studying the processes underlying economic decision-making. My research focuses on the role of visual attention in economic decision for which I have developed a statistical model to disentangle the different factors which influence attention and decisions. To understand the role of attention and test the robustness of the effects, I study economic decisions across different domains, including risk and loss aversion, and topics in line with the UN sustainable development goals, e.g., sustainable consumption and discrimination in hiring decisions. While my formal training is in economics, I have worked in multiple interdisciplinary projects and applied methods from experimental economics, psychology, neuroscience, including eye-tracking and large-scale online experiments. Working across different disciplines allowed me to develop ways of integrating these methods into economic decision models and capture heterogeneous patterns in behavior that otherwise would not be possible to detect.
Interests: Behavioral & Experimental Economics, Visual Attention, Gender Discrimination, Sustainability
Recent and upcoming presentations:
- 26/09 - Universidad de Chile - Learning the value of Eco-Labels
- 02/10 - Universidad Católica de Chile - Hiring for others (JMP)
- 26/11 - WU Vienna - Hiring for others (JMP)